So Suzy Podcast

Bullet Journal with Helen Colebrook from Journal with Purpose



Welcome to week 2 of our Planner Series!  Today, we are talking with Helen Colebrook from Journal with Purpose and how she uses her Bullet Journal to plan her days.  When I first found Helen on Instagram, I was completely enamored of her simple layout style, the way she combined work with home and her blog post on Using Your Bullet Journal to Get More of the Good Stuff Done.  I have always wanted to use a bullet journal since the first time I saw a picture of my friend, Krys Salvetta using hers.  After my interview with Helen, I am happy to report that I finally bought not one but TEN bullet journals, I am seriously addicted. During our interview with Helen, she takes us through what she loves about using a bullet journal for her planning, how she stays organized, tips and tricks and some of her favorites.   SHOW NOTES The Bullet Journal is referred to as an "analog system for the digital age" by Ryder Carroll, the creator of the Bullet Journal.  According to Helen, she loves its simplicity, because you can