Hero Club

The City of Mirrors, Vol. 4: Under Al Jazeera (ft. Nolan North & Hannah Fagerbakke)



After a bombastic brawl in the deserts of Al Jazeera, our intrepid explorers head down into a surely booby-trapped crypt. Their near future certainly holds new secrets to be uncovered, but there’s no telling what else lies in wait.... George Primavera - DM, Nickelback, Hessians Nick Williams - "Bones" Mahoney Marty Abbe-Schneider - Sir Theobald Daringcroft Lelia Symington - Jade Pickitt, Jessicoo Dylan McCollum - Vanya Baranov Nolan North - Commandant Helmut Wulf Hannah Fagerbakke - Tabitha Maywater Helen Laser - Sophia Chase Mullins - Alexander