Nourish Podcast With Kim Bakaev

EP 88 JANIS SHARPE "How to Stay Mentally Healthy During Quarantine"



We are collectively experiencing something that our generation has never seen.  Our lives have come to a halt and nothing is "normal" anymore.  While it is critical that we pursue physical health and safety, it is just as crucial to maintain good mental health.  In this episode, licensed therapist and ordained priest, Janis Sharpe, shares a multitude of tips that will help us avoid depression and anxiety.   From Janis Sharpe… Tips for staying emotionally healthy while in self quarantine: We are living in an unprecedented  time.  With each update on the Corona virus most people are struggling with anxiety and some with depression.  Knowing that you are going to be home alone or with family is increasing the anxiety.  Feeling out of control, having your routine disrupted and being in close quarters with family can cause small irritations to seem huge!  Here are a few tips that will help you stay emotionally healthy during this time.    1. Remember this is temporary- this too will pass.  We don’t know how long