Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 295: Are you living with enough urgency?



I'll do it tomorrow... It can wait until the kids are older... Now isn't the right time because... There will never be a right time, an ideal time or a perfect time to start something new, to take the leap or to shift directions. The only time is NOW. Right now. That is all you have. So, if all you have is right now, are you creating what you truly want? Are you living with enough urgency? We don't know how long we get to experience this life so it is vitally important to take advantage of every day we do have. I learned how short life was when my baby died and it is something that I am very aware of even now almost 14 years later. You don't know what the future holds so it's important to live fully right now.  You are here to live, love and serve. Make sure you are doing each of these with enough urgency each day. Listen in to dive deeper into this conversation. If there is someone you know who needs this message or would love it, be sure to share it with them. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always