Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 299: Why change is hard



Are you focusing on fighting the old or building the new?  This thought from a Socrates quote got me thinking. Is this why change is so hard?  Are our subconscious thoughts, our limiting beliefs and our past what makes change so hard? I really think so.  So instead of drawing from the past, if we choose to focus all of our energy on the future and what we need to take action on right now to create that future, change wouldn't be so hard. I also think that we resist change because we forget that if we "choose" wrong, we can just choose again.  In this episode, I share how change used to be so hard for my husband and why I've always thrived on change and how you can too.  Listen in to find out how we are wired to be resistant to change and how we can change that so that we can create more of what we truly want.   Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. If you enjoyed this episode,  sign up for my weekly email.  LINKS MENTIONED i