Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 301: You always create an impact



Regardless of whether you are consciously creating it or not, you are CREATING an impact with how you show up, what you say and what you do.  So, the question is... Do you like the impact that you are making?  Are you happy with the energy that you are putting out there, the impact that you are having on your family and friends, your co-workers or employees and the people that you interact with each day?  And then, the next big thing to consider is... Could you be making more of an impact?  Are you doing what you feel you are called to be doing? Are you fulfilling your purpose daily? Are you taking action on what matters most to you each day?  Your impact matters. It matters today. And it also matters years from now because what you do today creates your future and impacts the future of those around you.  Listen in as I share a story about how something I shared over 5 years ago is still making an impact today.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on