Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 303: How to keep going no matter how tough it gets



How do you keep going? How are you always so positive? How do you stay focused on what you want? I've been asked these questions over and over in my life. I got asked them when my baby died, when I went through my health crisis, as I walked my daughter through her medical misdiagnosis and now again in a more recent incident that was hard. How do I do it? I choose too. In all of these circumstances, I have learned how strong I am, how much more power and strength exists in us than we truly know about until the "going gets tough" and I recognize that I am the only one who can walk myself through it. It's all up to me and it's all up to you.  We are in charge of how we react and what we do in any circumstance (hard or easy) and these two things define how our life continues to unfold.  Listen in for more on how I keep going, how I stay positive and why I believe there is a gift even in the worst of situations.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Po