Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 305: NOW is the time to LEAD



Right NOW. This is it. You are being called to lead no matter your position or circumstance. We are all being called to lead. There are so many ways to lead right now. It could be with your family, with your friends, with your co-workers and employees or even on social media.  You can lead in small or big ways. You can lead by what you are doing, saying and who you are being OR you can lead by writing that book, launching that business or ..... (you fill in the blank).  We are all leaders. We just sometimes forget that. How can you lead today? Listen in to find out why this is so important right now. Be sure to share this if it resonated with you.  Subscribe to the podcast so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Jill is helping so many find meaning again after loss and those harder experiences in life like di