Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 314: I'm better because of it



Why are you better because of it? Life's hard situations make us better if we choose to look at it that way. Whenever you go through or have gone through something hard like the impact of the current pandemic on your life, a health issue, the loss of someone close to you, a relationship being over or.... (you fill in the blank), we always seek to answer the question "why is this happening to me?" Sometimes that answer can be found right away, other times it can be years before it gets answered and sometimes the answer to that question why is never found. What you can do though is look for why you are better because of what you are going through or went through. No matter how hard it was, I am sure that you came out stronger, you discovered something more about yourself that you never knew and it impacted you in a way that changed your life (for the better).  In this episode, I share how I'm better because of this current pandemic situation, my health crisis, and my baby dying. Listen in for why I know that yo