Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 355: My Favorite Ways to Create a Shift in Energy



Does the energy feel a little off? Do you feel stuck?  Is it time for a change and it is not happening fast enough or you don't know how to make it happen?  In this episode, I share my favorite ways to create a shift in the energy in  your home to create a shift of the energy in your life. I have used these for over 14 years and they never fail to boost the energy, lift my personal energy and create a shift.  Listen in for my favorite easy ways to use Feng Shui to create a change and shift in the energy not only in your home but in your life too. Share this with a friend who needs this in their life! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  Connect with Jill daily:  Check out the online courses mentioned in the podcast: Getting the Energy Flowing with Feng Shui. To sign up for the weekly email, visit So many readers are saying that my