Soulful Conversation With Frank & Sheila

Six Things You Have To Stop Doing To Start Again



What does it mean to be stuck? Feeling stuck is a sign something needs to change in your life. Truthfully, we all get stuck. We get stuck and/or in a rut when our plans don't seem to come together, when we are not reaching our goals, we get stuck in worry, in fear  and we STOP. When we get stuck, we often wait for external change to happen. Albert Einstein said: “You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.” In this episode, we have a soulful conversation with tips to help you get your MOmentum back!  Don't forget to subscribe to the show through Apple Podcasts and give us a rating and a review. We would love to hear from you. If you use your real name, we will be show to shout you out.  Enjoy the show!