Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

Emily Estes-Cross



Emily is the Director of Kennewick Parks & Rec Department. A fun fact about her is she won the homecoming burping contest! Emily felt as she was summoned to her current position. She had the great opportunity to work for the Economic Development Department for the city, and while she was in that position, she was asked to take on the director role. During those years with the city, she showed them that she could work with people and build relationships. The department had been floundering for a couple years and they believed that she could help them move forward. As an agile leader, when she is looking for team members, she is looking for a can-do attitude, a problem solver who will work just as hard as she is. She has high expectations and she finds that when her team members also have high expectations of themselves and the projects they are working on, they can accomplish hard things. When everyone is working equally hard, then they can move faster and more effectively. She also looks for those who can