Tri-cities Influencer Podcast With Paul Casey

41. Tri-Cities Influencer Podcast featuring CA Hurst



Brandon A.:                        People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Simon Sinek. Brandon A.:                        I am Brandon Anderson and I'm a Tri-Cities influencer. Paul Casey:                         Remember, you're either owning your behavior or excusing your behavior. You can't do both. So it's always the mature thing to do, to own it. Announcer:                        Raising the water level of leadership in the Tri-Cities of Eastern Washington, it's the Tri-Cities Influencer Podcast. Welcome to the TCI Podcast, where local leadership and self-leadership expert, Paul Casey, interviews local CEOs, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit executives, to hear how they lead themselves and their teams, so we can all benefit from their wisdom and experience. Here's your host, Paul Casey of Growing Forward Services, coaching and equipping individuals and teams to spark breakthrough success. Paul Casey:                         Thanks for joining me for today's episode with C.A. Hurst. C.A. is a y