More Than Money

Ethical Tourism with Tourism Concern UK and Kasbahdu Toubkal



In this episode, Dawn Carpenter will discuss the significance of thinking about tourism and its business from an ethical perspective. Tourism challenges the very core of ethics, our sense of the difference between what is right and what is wrong. This episode guests, Mark Watson of Tourism Concern UK and Michael McHugo owner of the  Kasbah du Toubkal in Morocco , will motivate the audience to reflect about how our consumer and travel choices can have real consequences, with the potential of injury and harm as well as the ability to booster and enrich communities. Be mindful and aware of the impact that your travel choices make.   Key takeaways: [2:01] How did Tourism Concern start? [3:13] Sustainability in tourism. [4:08] Concern about some eco-tourism labels. [5:06] Ethical Travel Guide. [10:13] Campaigns about indigenous communities. [12:18] Cruise ships’ poor workers conditions and few benefits for the destinations. [17:20]Tourism concern. [20:54] Digital campaigns. [25:30] Michael McHugo career briefing.