More Than Money

The Ethical Side of Tech with Sustainable Economies Law Center's Janelle Orsi and Twitter activist Maira Sutton



Dawn Carpenter welcomes Janelle Orsico funder and executive director of The Sustainable Economies Law Center and #buytwitter activist, Maira Sutton to a new episode of More Than Money, where technology is approached from an ethical perspective, zooming in our most popular tech platforms that look less like a business, per se, and more like public infrastructure. Are we transiting a digital revolution? What is certain is that what we do with technology and about it will dictate the kind of civilization that comes after us. Listen to this episode and explore innovative business models.   Key takeaways: [1:45] Janelle Orsi’s career briefing. [2:43] Are we in a digital revolution? [4:10] Role of the ‘commons.’ [4:54] Idea of inequality addressed by Tech platforms. [7:15] Examples of Tech platforms structured as cooperatives. [8:53] How can innovation be motivated? [10:31] Work of  the Sustainable Economy Law Center. [12:31] Idea of cooperatives managing Tech platforms. [14:30] Maira Sutton’s career briefing. [14: