More Than Money

Faith and Values- Based Investing with ICCR- Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility



Dawn Carpenter, your host of More Than Money, welcomes you to the final episode of Season 2 to discuss the moral compass that the faith and values based investment community offers the corporate community , in a conversation with Josh Zinner, CEO of Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR). This episode builds upon previous conversations in Season 1 about impact investing as an alternative and/or a complementary approach to asset management. In this episode, listeners are introduced the approached of the work of the faith-based investment community, which is not simply and passively screening for values, but actively taking a role and pushing a responsible corporate behavior on a global scale.   Key Takeaways: [1:50] Josh Zinner career briefing. [2:54] How ICCR started and why? [4:12] Members of ICCR. [5:32] Connection between faith and investing according to ICCR. [8:30] Maximizing value for investors. [8:56] Prioritizing community impact over companies. [9:41] Role of shareholder advocacy as a p