Real Estate Success With Jim Ingersoll

Use Gratitude To Grow Your Real Estate Business



Why is gratitude so difficult and can it be used to grow your personal life and real estate business? Gratitude requires a mindset and focus shift off of yourself and onto those around you. It takes the attention away from what you do not have and places onto what you actually do have. Gratitude removes fear, creates focus, removes self limiting beliefs about what is possible and creates a better life. Who are you grateful for should include: 1. Family - Spouse, kids, brothers/sisters, parents, etc. The real question is what specifically are you thankful for regarding each person? 2. Realtors/Brokers 3. Wholesalers 4. Contractors 5. Tenants 6. What places are you grateful for that you have travelled to? 7. What books have you read that you made an impact? 8. What pets and animals are you thankful for? 9. Who is a mentor that has helped you? Take this today and make a list of what you are grateful for and dig deep into why you are thankful. Shifting in this direction will lead to organic, natural growth in you