Cooler Trailers Superior Design- Small Refrigerated Trailers

Best transport refrigeration units| Hot Gas Defrost



The best transport refrigeration units will have hot gas defrost. So what is hot gas defrost and why should I care. Good question. These are the little things that make a big difference to the well being of your product that you have stored inside your box. Think back to your school days I know its a reach for some of us. Remember Mrs. McGillicutty’s class on the day she explained what happens to water when it reaches a certain temperature. If you were able to stay awake long enough to hear her say that at 32 degrees water changes from a liquid to a solid in this case ice. I know folks are saying that's great Tom, but I only need to keep my product refrigerated at 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit that doesn’t apply to me. It absolutely does and here is why: In order to maintain a box temperature of 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit plus open and closing doors, your evaporator coil has to be 10-12 degrees colder or about 25 degrees to maintain that 35 degree box temperature. So it is a scientific fact that you will get an ice