Ali Fitness Podcast

Investing in the Yoga Trail Network with CEO Alexander Klein- EP047



The vast majority of yoga teachers are freelancers, teaching at multiple studios and gyms. And following your favorite teacher can mean navigating multiple websites for access to classes and events. What if there was a platform where you could follow your favorite teachers and studios, getting all of your information in one place? And what if you could make a small investment in the platform, owning a part of the startup that is creating that community? Alexander Klein is the co-founder and CEO of Yoga Trail, a global yoga network that connects yogis with their favorite teachers in an effort to make the world a healthier and happier place. The platform provides yoga teachers with free tools to manage and grow their business, while students can find and book classes online in one convenient location. Alexander has a diverse background that ranges from punk musician to sound engineer to plasma physicist. After a failed attempt to build a fusion reactor that would provide the planet with unlimited clean energy,