Ali Fitness Podcast

Health, Sleep Cycles and Your Readiness to Perform with Oura CEO Petteri Lahtela- EP050



We all know that quality is more important than quantity. But it’s tricky to determine quality when it comes to something like sleep. How restorative was the eight hours you got last night? Did that sleep allow your body to recover enough to do the training session you have scheduled for today? Petteri Lahtela is a serial entrepreneur with 25 years of experience building high tech products and managing international businesses. Petteri’s passion for designing solutions that offer meaningful health benefits led him to create Oura, the world’s first wellness ring. Oura combines sophisticated design, ground-breaking technology and three decades of research to guide users in improving their sleep, health and readiness to perform. Today Petteri describes the differences between the first generation Oura ring and the new version coming out in April. He covers Oura’s core use cases, what the ring measures, and what sets Oura apart from other wearables on the market. Petteri explains how athletes might utilize Oura t