Ali Fitness Podcast

Light Therapy to Improve Energy, Mood and Alertness with Juuso Nissilä of the HumanCharger- EP052



It’s only natural to have the blues in the winter months when the days are shorter and there is less available sunlight. This mild form of seasonal affective disorder can be exacerbated by long hours working indoors, shift work or even long-distance travel. Jusso Nissilä was studying neurobiology at the University of Oulu in 2005 when he made the connection between the photosensitivity of the human brain and the potential to deliver bright light therapy through the ear. Jusso founded Valkee in 2007, and by 2010, the HumanCharger was ready to go to market. Using the device for 12 minutes each day has been proven to increase energy levels, improve mood and increase mental alertness. To date, the HumanCharger has 70,000 users worldwide. Today Jusso explains how he came to invent the HumanCharger, the benefits of using the device, and the science behind how light therapy affects the brain. He covers the research studies around recovery from jetlag and reaction time in athletes. Listen in to understand why Valkee