Ali Fitness Podcast

Athletes, Addiction and Self-Worth Beyond Your Body with Joe Putignano- EP056



‘The energy of passion and obsession, they live on the same plane. It depends how we choose to use it.’ The obsession and dedication that drives a competitive athlete can easily turn that very same person into an addict by offering a similar feeling of freedom. And if your self-worth is tied solely to your body and its physical capabilities, drugs and alcohol offer an escape from the feelings of worthlessness that arise when you learn that your Olympic dream is just that—a dream. Joe Putignano is the best-selling author of Acrobaddict, a memoir exploring the relationship between athletics and drug addiction. He has performed with Cirque du Soleil, on Broadway and at the Metropolitan Opera, and appeared on film and television as an actor, dancer and acrobat. Joe is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and he served as the strength and conditioning coach for Cirque du Soleil’s Totem. Joe has also modeled for a number of publications, appearing on the cover of Instinct Magazine, Driven Magazine and Apollo, among