Ali Fitness Podcast

Leading Through Vision with Mercedes Club COO Tonya Jacobs- EP063



"I truly believe in earning your stripes and working all the positions you can—being the first one to put up your hand and say, ‘I’ll take on that initiative. I’ll take on that new responsibility,’ and not expect anything in return… It gives you more substance as a leader. When you’ve worked every position and you say to an employee, ‘I need you to clean this toilet,’ and they know that you’ve done that before and you’ll do it again, there’s a built-in respect.” Tonya Jacobs is the COO of Mercedes Club New York, a luxury health and fitness oasis boasting an elite personal training staff and unparalleled member service. Tonya began her lifelong athletic career as a formally trained dancer, and she spent eight years touring the world as a performer at luxury resorts and casinos. In 1993, she moved to New York City and began her journey in the health club industry. Mentored by leading fitness executives, Tonya worked her way up from an entry level reception position to the upper echelons of management. She has m