Ali Fitness Podcast

From Cancering to Healing with Eric Remensperger- EP067



Eric Remensperger thought he was immune from chronic health problems. He had been living what he thought was a healthy lifestyle for well over a decade when he was diagnosed with stage-4 prostate cancer. Had his efforts at health and wellness been a waste of time? After the shock wore off, Eric made the decision to fight. He would do whatever it took to heal himself. Eric read everything he could find in the realm of cancer treatment, the source of cancer, traditional medicine, and functional medicine—and a plan began to take shape. He would put together a team of flexible practitioners and explore techniques like ozone exposure, adrogen deprivation, and intermittent fasting, choosing only those options that had some evidence of effectiveness AND addressed the underlying cause of cancer. Today, Eric shares the story of his health journey, explaining his shift from ‘the farthest thing from healthy’ to gym rat and holistic health devotee to unsuspecting cancer patient. He walks us through the two theories aroun