Ali Fitness Podcast

The Gut & Mental Health Connection with Functional Medicine Practitioner Evan Brand - EP069



Anxiety and depression are the leading causes of ill health and disability worldwide, yet traditional medicine doesn’t get at the root cause. If you visit a GP, you are likely to get a referral to a psychiatrist and a prescription for a mood stabilizer. A functional medicine practitioner, on the other hand, will investigate what’s going on underneath—and you may be surprised to learn that there is a connection between gut issues and mental health.  Evan Brand is a certified functional medicine practitioner, nutritional therapist and host of the Evan Brand Podcast. He uses at-home lab testing and customized supplement programs to find and fix the root cause of a wide range of health symptoms including chronic fatigue, obesity, depression and anxiety. Evan is also the author of Stress Solutions and The Everything Guide to Nootropics.  Today, Evan explains how his personal struggle with depression and IBS led to a career in functional medicine. He offers case studies to demonstrate the connection between gut and