Ali Fitness Podcast

The Emotional Soup of Eating Disorders and Addiction with Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross - EP074



There is a direct correlation between adverse childhood experiences and the risk for developing addiction, eating disorders, weight issues and medical problems in adulthood. While the vast majority of us experience childhood trauma of some kind, those of us lucky enough to enjoy the social support of a strong family and/or an innate sense of resiliency may not develop addiction issues. But those of us who don’t are tasked with the deep, long-term work of healing. Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross is an expert in the field of eating disorders and integrative medicine and the creator of The Anchor Program, an online practice that provides long-term support for people suffering from food addiction and body image issues. Dr. Ross is the former head of the Eating Disorders Program and the Integrative Medicine Department at the world-renowned Sierra Tucson treatment center, and she currently works in private practice with a focus on treating obesity, eating disorders and addictions. Dr. Ross is also the author of The Emotiona