Ali Fitness Podcast

Reclaiming the Joy of Movement with Darryl Edwards of Primal Play - EP81



When was the last time you really loved movement? For most of us, it was when we were kids, using the natural environment as our playground—climbing trees, pretending to be animals, or mimicking the moves of our favorite Kung Fu stars. Is there a way to reclaim that joy of movement as adults? Darryl Edwards is a movement coach, natural lifestyle education, and the creator of the Primal Play Method. Widely known as the Fitness Explorer, Darryl is the author of several books including Paleo Fitness, Paleo from A to Z and the bestseller Animal Moves. He has delivered keynotes at Harvard Medical School, the University of the Arts London and the Ancestral Health Symposium, among many other venues. Darryl’s work has been featured in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Elle Magazine and Men’s Fitness as well as the BBC documentaries Eat to Live Forever and Doctor in the House. Today, Darryl explains the genesis of Primal Play, discussing how he transformed his own health through movement and the inspiration behind the Pri