Ali Fitness Podcast

The Optimal Diet & Lifestyle for a Healthy Gut Microbiome with Sarah Ballantyne - EP86



Though the field of research around the gut microbiome is brand new, the latest understandings are changing our definition of the optimal human diet. We are also learning how factors like activity, stress and sleep impact the microbiome. So, what foods promote the growth of beneficial strains of bacteria? And how can we make better lifestyle choices that will increase diversity in the microbiome—and improve our health overall? Medical biophysicist Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, is the creator of The Paleo Mom, an award-winning online resource that distills the science behind how diet and lifestyle impact health. She also serves as the co-host of the syndicated Paleo View Podcast and architect of the premier Autoimmune Protocol Lecture Series. Sarah has a background in academic research around critical care medicine, gene therapy and cell biology, and she is the author of a number of bestselling books on the nutritional approach to optimal health. Sarah’s path to becoming an internationally-recognized health advoc