Ali Fitness Podcast

Saving Lives with Defibrillators—with Guy Leech - EP102



30,000 people die of sudden cardiac arrest in Australia each year. In the US, SCA claims an estimated 325,000. If someone has a heart incident in your workplace, at your gym, or in your home, do you know what to do? What if CPR isn’t working and first responders can’t get there in time? An SCA victim’s chances of survival increase exponentially when a defibrillator is available, and the devices are easy to use. Guy Leech is known as Australia’s #1 Fitness Guy. He won the world’s first professional Ironman race in 1984 and stayed at the top of the sport for the next decade, winning multiple titles including that of 1988 World Ironman Champion. Guy has trained a wide range of athletes, from surfing champion Layne Beachley to Olympic gold medalist Kerri Pottharst. In 2016, a personal tragedy led Guy to his current mission of making defibrillators widely available and training people to use them confidently when faced with SCA. Today, Guy joins us to share the story of the day he could not resuscitate his close f