Congressional Dish

CD002: Iran Sanctions, the Buffett Rule, & a “War on Coal”



Iran sanctions are signed into law, a gas pipeline gets fast tracked through a NYC park, the Buffett Rule is (sort of) passed, a "War on Coal" is not really waged, and more from this week in Congress... HR 1905: Iran Sanctions *Signed into law* Sanctions = Shut down trade in and out of Iran. People can’t get what they need, they get mad at their government, the government needs to do what we want them to do in order to make the sanctions go away and get their people to back off. What do we want them to do? Stop developing nuclear weapons (if they actually are – hasn’t been proven). Stop human rights abuses. Open their oil industry to the “free market” Exxon Mobil, BP and others were welcomed into Iraq after we took over the country History of Iran Pre 1951- Iran’s oil was owned by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, now known as BP. 1951- Iran nationalized their oil industry. 1953- CIA, with lots of help from the British, overthrew the democratically elected government, installing the Shah. Oil companies were a