Congressional Dish

CD006: A Shortened Week in Congress



Rep. Jo Ann Emerson quits Congress to become a lobbying titan, the Coast Guard is funded, Louie Gohmert votes for 'lunatic', GOP confuses net neutrality, and a crisis is engineered during a short week in Congress. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson Quits to Make Millions in Private Sector - Represents southeast Missouri: - Leaving Congress in February to become President and CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, a trade association/lobbying group. - It has about 900 member utilities that serve 42 million people in 47 states and own almost half of the US power grid. - Replacing Glenn English (also a former Congressman) who made $9,294,207 in his 6 years = $1.5 million a year. - A key accomplishment: weakening climate bills on behalf of coal-dependent electric cooperatives. - We have to pay for a special election to replace her in Congress. - Good news: we got rid of a gay hater in Congress. H.R. 2838: Coast Guard Appropriations Bill - Already passed the Senate. - Gives Coast Guard about $10 billion t