Congressional Dish

CD014: Marching Towards Sequester



Hydropower and veterans get some love from the House this week, while churches get taxpayer money and Federal workers get screwed… again. H.R. 267: Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act * Fast Tracks licensing for hydro-power generation on existing dams. * Passed with 0 No votes. * Only 3% of the 80,000 dams in the U.S. currently generate electricity H.R. 235: Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Support Act Federal grants will be awarded to States to streamline State requirements and procedures for veterans who were military emergency medical technicians while serving in the Armed Forces to meet certification, licensing, and other requirements applicable to becoming an emergency medical technician in their State. The State must show they have a shortage of emergency medical technicians to be eligible for the money. Funding: $1,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2014 through 2018.'' $5,000 per state, per year. Rural Communities and big cities have shortages of emergency medical personnel; in fact, many of