Congressional Dish

CD034: Let’s Drill Offshore



Before taking a week off for July 4th, the House passed a bill forcing the Obama administration to sell offshore leases to the oil and gas industry. Links to Information from this Episode Music: "At the Beach" by Andrew Dean & The Farm Machine (found on Music Alley by mevio) Congressional Dish summary of H.R. 2231: "Offshore Energy and Jobs Act" Text and status of H.R. 2231 President Obama put a moratorium on offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon spill Document detailing the areas with most untapped oil and gas resources Lease 220 off of Virginia's coast cancelled by the Obama Administration Santa Barbara doesn't want new drilling off their coastline 2010: Bill signed into law allowing old rigs to serve as reefs off of the California coast [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="621"] Areas affected by the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spil[/caption] Solyndra was manufacturing a different kind of solar panel: Thin film solar panels Representatives Quoted in This Episode Rep. Doc Hastings of Washing