Comic Nerds Unite: Comic Book Podcast

76 | Apama #5



Tim, Marc, and Jeremiah discuss Apama #5 by Ted Sikora, Milo Miller, and Benito Gallego.  We all backed the Kickstarter of the hardcover version of Apama: The Undiscovered Animal. We have gushed about this book for quite some time and can't recommend it highly enough. So, we all have our hardcovers and talked about the book in general and then on Apama #5 specifically.  Other topics: Whatever Happened to the Man of TomorrowAll-New Hawkeye #2All-New Captain AmericaBatman V Superman TeaserFantastic Four Trailer Follow Us On Twitter @supertim82@personman44 @jlambertart Follow Us on the Internets (giving us ratings is super dope):iTunesStitcher Listen to Other Awesome BenView is the where you can discover the wonder of BenView!   Love the Theme Song?The Fantastic Plastics are rad!   #comics