Earning Freedom With Michael Santos

255: Conquering Prison to Become Success



Conquering Prison Rodney White is a native of Richmond Virginia and served 15 years of an 18-year sentence for drugs and firearm charges. He tells his inspiring story on the Earning Freedom podcast. After release from prison, Rodney became an award winning sales person, motivational speaker, facilitator, community college academic adviser, and radio host.    Audiences are drawn to Rodney because of his unique ability to develop and deliver practical solutions to people in transition and growth. His strength is in providing simple strategies that enable individuals and organizations to pursue their goals with confidence and clarity. In his “R.E.A.D. to Succeed,” motivational program Rodney delivers a message that inspires and teaches a very simplistic way of problem solving. Drawing on skills honed as an inmate, salesperson, business owner, and speaker, Rodney has created and conducted training programs for groups ranging from trade associations to governmental agencies and educational institutions. Rodney’s