600 Second Saga

S1.12 Home Test



Home Test is written by R. M. Donaldson. Read more about Cedrick in The Custodian Chronicles: The Rising Cedrick Custod is the youngest living protector of the world. Though blessed from the beginning by their creator with power and author to defend their world, the rest of the Custod has been wiped out by evil sorcerer Heklis. It’s up to Cedrick to save his world, but he doesn’t know it. His talents and passion for magic are their only hope, but his father refuses to let him use them. Can Cedrick find out why in time to save his world? Can he find the source of his powers to enable him to overcome Heklis’s? Could wicked sorceress be the answer to his plight or the death of him? Can Cedrick find out in time or will he watch it fall into darkness. Read The Custodian Chronicles: The Rising Amazon Paper Back Kindle Book Hardcover Book Other Ebooks  600 Second Saga Music is provided by MADS.  You can support 600 Second Saga by giving us a 5-star review on iTunes Become a Patron! Follow me on Facebook Follow me