600 Second Saga

S1.23 Earth Children are from Venus and Treborians are from Mars



Earth Children are from Venus and Treborians are from Mars is written by Sharolyn G Brown. Read more about Roxal and Lauren in The Heaviness of Knowing You can learn more about Sharolyn G Brown. Sharolyn was almost 30 years old before she realized what she wanted to do when she grew up. Write. A life-long science fiction and fantasy fan, it took some time before she realized that other people may also be entertained by all of the characters in her head. So, she gave them stories and started putting them in books. Her first novel, The Heaviness of Knowing, is currently available on Amazon. 600 Second Saga Music is provided by MADS.  You can support 600 Second Saga by giving us a 5-star review on iTunes Become a Patron! Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter