600 Second Saga

S1.41 String-Driven Thing



String-Driven Thing by Vaughan Stanger String-Driven Thing was originally published in Nature Futures. Formerly an astronomer and more recently a research project manager in the aerospace and defense industry, Vaughan Stanger now writes SF and fantasy fiction for a living. His stories have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Abyss & Apex, Postscripts, Nature Futures and Interzone, amongst other noted magazines and anthologies. Like most writers, he’s working on a novel—and has been for many years. He also loves cats, thus further conforming to the cliché. Plus he’s still holding out for that holiday on the Moon he was promised in the dim and distant past. You can follow his writing adventures at http://www.vaughanstanger.com or @VaughanStanger. Read more in Sons of Earth 600 Second Saga Music is provided by MADS.  You can support 600 Second Saga by giving us a 5-star review on iTunes Become a Patron! Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter