Design Tribe Podcast

Why Every Designer Needs a Blog



To check out the Live Video Replay at my YouTube channel. Do Designers Really Need a Blog? I debated for nearly a year on whether or not I really needed a blog.   After all, I was focused on creating and wanted to spend the majority of my time and energy making things.  If you're a designer, I'm sure you can totally relate. But I Don't Wanna Blog! Designers are different.  While most people think that bloggers lead a glamorous lifestyle popping around town drinking a vanilla latté, laughing with their friends, and dabbling around on their beautiful Mac for a few hours a day...  Designers understand how much work goes into it. We get it.  Designers spend hours in the office researching for photoshoots:  trends, the right colors, which props are perfect yet fit the budget - down to every last detail!   We've lugged around a car full of crap, multiple changes of outfits, make up supplies, and soo many 'just-in-case' props, trying to snag the perfect location with the perfect model in the right light