Inside Education On 103.2 Dublin City Fm

Podcast 411, Curriculum Integration (19-12-20)



Presented and produced by Seán Delaney. In this episode I speak to two experts on curriculum integration from Brock University in Ontario, Canada, Professor Susan Drake and Dr. Joanne Reid. Among the topics we discuss are the following: Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary connections among subjects SAMPLE TOPICS FOR INTEGRATION: War, water, homelessness, food waste in the cafeteria, traffic patterns in a school, sustainability, patterns, change, conflict, trace origin of everyday item (Coffee, chocolate etc.), medieval fair. Finnish requirement that students do a phenomenon-based learning unit each year based around transversal competencies (21st century) Project-based learning examples Students present their work to an authentic audience Finding themes for integration (look out your window!) Project-based learning on Edutopia Buck Institute and Project-based learning Benefits of integration: more fun, students are engaged, fewer behaviour problems, social and emotional devel