
Trending Topics: Sports Medicine, with Dr. Jonathan Gelber



Trending Topics: Sports Medicine, with Dr. Jonathan Gelber Magic Johnson and HIV. Len Bias and drug laws. Tommy John surgery and high school baseball today. Learn about the Cobra effects of these athletes’ stories and more from a conversation with sports medicine physician and author Dr. Jonathan Gelber.  Show Notes Find Dr. Gelber’s book, Tiger Woods's Back and Tommy John's Elbow: Injuries and Tragedies That Transformed Careers, Sports, and Society, on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Tommy-Johns-Elbow-Tiger-Woodss/dp/1683582586/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=jonathan+gelber&qid=1574456076&sr=8-1   For more on sports and athletes mentioned in the show… There’s an ESPN documentary about Magic Johnson’s announcement about his HIV diagnosis – stream it on Amazon Prime, more info here> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3107982/ And yet another ESPN 30-for-30 documentary about Len Bias and the drugs laws created after his tragic death, more info here> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1205503/   Regarding women