Dementia Matters

Research Suggests Financial Problems an Early Sign of Alzheimer’s Disease



In a recent study, health economist Lauren Nicholas, PhD, found older adults who go on to be diagnosed with dementia are more likely to miss payments on bills as early as six years before a diagnosis. Dr. Nicholas joins the podcast to discuss her research findings, how financial symptoms could be used as early predictors of dementia, signs that may indicate financial trouble due to dementia, and resources for managing your own or a loved one’s finances early. Guest: Lauren Nicholas, PhD, associate professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Episode Topics: How was the study designed? 1:00 Who did you look at for in the study? 5:09 What are your findings? 6:12 Do you think the financial impact is different based on the amount of family members? 9:24 What types of resources are available? 11:01 What do you hope this research will lead to? 13:32 What are clues to watch for financial trouble due to cognitive decline? 15:47 How do you see financial information being useful for understanding