Breaking The Mold

Episode 6: Dan Senor + WhatsApp



Breaking the Mold hits the 6th episode with Evan joined by brother Dan Roth to breakdown the $19bn purchase of WhatsApp by Facebook.  With WhatsApp 420 million users, Dan tries to make the case that it is fair value.  He also hasn’t used a spreadsheet since 1987.  Evan points out that the roots of Whatsapp lie in the Ukraine when it was under Soviet oppression and that data collection is anathema to their business. After the banter, Dan Senor is welcomed on the show.  Dan’s resume is full of successes in writing as the author of Start-Up Nation, in finance as a banker and in politics as a foreign policy advisor. He shares the insights into a multi-talented life that tracks the storytelling of his Mother, installing lightbulbs in Iraq and ignoring the advice of the Carlyle founders. Also, we are thrilled to announce that Breaking the Mold is the #1 podcast among urologists!*  *After survey of one urologist who happens to be a relative