Breaking The Mold

Episode 7: Jane Friedman + Michael Lewis's 'Flash Boys'



Episode 7: Jane Friedman joins Evan and guest co-host Dan to talk through her publishing career as an “experienced” entrepreneur after holding the CEO role for 10 years at Harper Collins.   Jane is remarkable for her ability to excel as a CEO where she trusts her gut over any financial model.  Jane has a vendetta against spreadsheets as you will hear.  As she discusses her new business Open Road Integrated Media, tune in to Jane’s warning that “starting a company from zero…Man, that is a whole another game.  I had no idea”. Jane also addresses the role gender played in her career and answers whether Rupert Murdoch reads.    Evan and Dan open the show with their own assessment of the issues that Michael Lewis brought to the public around High Frequency Training and compares it to buying a bike on Black Friday. Urologists continue to download the podcasts in droves for just this type of metaphor.