Perpetual Sports Talk

Intentional Walks, NBA All Stars, and a Coach's Omelette (25)



(0:00-15:46)- MLB new rule: the intentional walk, good or bad or simply satisfying new fans (15:46-23:35)- Matt Wieters to The Washington Nationals  (23:35-31:44)- NBA All Star Game  (31:44-45:41)- Coach's Omelette, Scott reviews his year coaching college basketball (45:41-51:45)- Sean's trip to San Francisco, different sports fans (51:45-54:00)- Schlub of the Week  (54:00-1:00:31)- Weekend Appetizer and Mardi Gras Follow us on Twitter and subscribe to us on iTunes.   Or you can put your phone down and mention our name to a friend.