Perpetual Sports Talk

Ep. 53 Fat Guys Score, Smart Phones Bore, and Scott's Weekend Plans



The Skins insert some fat guys off the street, and their mentality pulls out a win in Seattle. I know it's tough for you DC fans, but it may be time to give some credit to Kirk and Jay. The Patriots have a lot of similarities to the 'Always Sunny' cast, in a more functional sense, and we'll make the connections for you. We tip our cap to Roy Halladay, a true American, who may go down as the first unanomous HOF candidate in history. On the contrary, a Big Baller was pulling non-baller moves in China. Sean is concerned that the younger generation's communication may be hindered due to smart phones and Aliens. PST wrappes this up with half the crew bailing on the other half, and of course, a World Renown Weekend Appetizer.   Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Give us a "Would You Rather" on the review section on iTunes. We guarantee to air it on the next show. Share our links with friends. Contact us if you want to be on the show. Our wait list is currently at zero. If you get wild hair, donate to us at Patreon