Perpetual Sports Talk

Ep. 62 Standing Room Seats, Faculty Defeats, and a Wedding



(0:00-18:50)- PST talks about the Super Bowl and if we would ever go or not (no we wouldn't), but would we go to any of the other major sport championships and why? Standing room seats are for jabronis and people named Scott.  (18:50-30:43)- Alex Smith goes from one offensive team name to another.  How should Skins fans feel about Cousins? If DC fans can't freak out about the skins, then they will panic over the Wizards and try to come up with answers as to why they play better without Wall.  (30:43-47:21)- Faculty vs. 8th grade basketball game: old timers drive the basket and teenagers think they are Steph Curry.  If kids are sore losers, whose fault is it really?  (47:21-56:38)- Trae Young the real deal?  Do TO and Randy Moss deserve to be enshrined?  (56:38-1:01:56)- Weekend Appetizer: "It's Wedding Season!" Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Give us a "Would You Rather" on the review section on iTunes. We guarantee to air it on the next show. Share our links with friends including Google Play. Contac