Perpetual Sports Talk

Ep. 63 Olympic Complaining, Spring Training, and Outdoor Hockey



(0:00-32:52) - PST is back after a month of no podcasting. Thank you to all the listeners, nobody checked in on us to see if we're still alive. Alas. we're still here and controversial about something. The Winter Olympics are a sham, the Iditarod should be added, and we are on to you, curling hipsters. Mr. Sportscenter, Ian Boyd, has the clutch gene, but we don't actually believe in the clutch gene. (32:52-54:00) - We are so lazy that I only want to write two segments, and all you faithful listeners will probably not even complain about it. PST talks about its new favorite rivarly, Mad Max vs Tebow, and the 6 pitches over the past 2 years. More Scherzer stories are talked about while we bullcrap about Sean's shorts, and our overall lives. It's the only time we get to talk, so deal with it. (54:00-59:59) - World Renown Weekend Appetizer, so we have to talk about Tiger. Caps are playing outside tonight in Annapolis, and somehow we wrap up our white guy podcast with style.  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.