Brown 'n Out Podcast

Episode 24: Noa Coffey-Moore



Episode 24 of Brown 'n Out, a discussion with Noa Coffey-Moore Noa Coffey-Moore is a Black Queer TransNonbinary Femme*. They are a writer, comunity educator, & multimedia artist, working for black femme liberation & well-being. Noa has a Bachelor of Arts in Social Justice Education, Creative Writing & Theater from Hampshire College. Their college theater advisors were Mei Ann Teo and Djola Branner. They studied poetry with John Murrillo, Aracelis Girmay, & Michael Dumanis. The third part of their thesis was creating social justice curriculum for youth. They've worked with both Farm & Widlerness Camps & Camp Outright doing this work. To book them at your school for the Spring, visit