Peter Lorimer Podcast

The Blockbuster Effect / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates. I remember sitting in my little house, and I was watching the Blockbuster Movie Awards. As I was watching the show, a package containing a DVD from my brand new Netflix subscription was placed under my door. Blockbuster and other companies like RadioShack and Toys R Us are in trouble/bankrupt. Why? They remained static; they didn't shift strategies when the world around began to change. When we are having success and we feel like our strategies are going in the right direction, it feels fantastic. The dangerous part--the Blockbuster effect--is when we trust that it's working now and will always work. For instance, Blockbuster seemed untouchable. They never got into streaming; I suspect they thought "This has worked for 10 years, let's just get through this." The world has moved aro